Motivation and Inspiration

Need a little motivation to get through your day or inspire your career? Start here.

new hire setting up her desk at her first job

The best first jobs are the ones that help us grow. The iHire team shares their first jobs and valuable lessons...


two recent college graduates staring up at the career ladder

Getting ready to graduate this spring? Check out the iHire team’s expert career advice for recent college graduates...


illustration of job seeker feeling strong in 2019

Want to find a career you love in 2019? We’ve created a list of new year’s resolutions for job seekers to help you...


illustration of 2019 loading

Not ready for 2019? Need some new year inspiration? We found 10 of the best inspirational new year memes to get you...


job seeker at his desk with silly post it notes on his eyes

Are you frustrated with your resume? Could you use a little comic relief? This list of the top 10 resume memes and...


Olympic athlete on luge track

Find out how Olympic athletes make money when they’re not competing and cheer for Team USA at the 2018 Pyeongchang...


image of inspirational quote from hal borland

Need extra motivation to make 2018 the best year yet for your career? Read our favorite New Year inspiration quotes...


iHire team

A collection of tried-and-true tips from the iHire team to help you make your own job search luck and inspire you to...


dr. seuss editorial credit catwalker

Celebrate reading by taking a break from your job hunt and indulging in these five motivational Dr. Seuss books from...


Successful CEO giving inspirational speech to employees

While most of us have likely given up our childhood dream of being President by now, there are other types of...


Illustration of cartoon character starting a new job

Are you “swearing in” to your new job today? Whether you’re a spring chicken, career changer, or have an extensive...


Illustration of cartoon character receiving negative feedback

Experiencing negative feedback can feel devastating. Whether it comes from a boss or an employee, it can be...


Red, white, and blue banner displaying stars and stripes

With the 2016 presidential election only days away, one candidate will soon be looking for a new job. After a...


fan celebrating at a baseball game

Something pretty awesome is going on in baseball right now. Even if you’re like me and don’t follow sports...


Businessman cheering with smile drawn on paper bag over face in office

Need a laugh or two to brighten up your Monday? We searched the depths of the internet to find these 10 fantastic...


why your job search is like a pinata inspirational quotes

No one can deny that searching for a new job can be hard. The lengthy applications, stressful interview processes,...


athlete jumping in front of the sunset skyline in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Not every Olympian is lucky enough to be a household name with million-dollar endorsement deals like Michael Phelps...


2016 presidential election democrat republican symbols

If you’re feeling discouraged in your job search or stuck in your current career, take a look at where two of...


Job seeker celebrating success with city as backdrop

Sometimes we spend so much time writing and rewriting our cover letters, we edit our personalities out of the...


illustration of speedometer with "time for a change" written on it.

It’s never too late for a career change! Just look at 54-year-old Michael Vaudreuil: student by day and custodian by...


Showing 41 to 60 of 60 results