ihiredental industry report graphic

February 2018 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

February 2018 showed significant increases in the job front. Total new dental jobs added to iHireDental was at its highest since August 2017. New dentist-general practitioner jobs nearly doubled from January to February, and oral/maxillofacial surgeon jobs made their way into the top 5 list.

Total iHireDental job seekers increased by ~18,000, with the usual suspects – dental assistant, office manager/practice administrator/receptionist, dental hygienist, dentist-general practitioner, and dental lab technician – leading the way.

We’ve also added two new charts to the report for a look at month-to-month changes in new dental jobs added to our database. Check these out moving forward for broader insight into the dental job market.

ihiredental february 2018 dental industry report infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: March 05, 2018

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