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May 2019 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our dental industry analysis for May 2019 shows the volume of active and newly posted dental jobs remaining almost perfectly flat compared to April 2019. Aspen Dental was the top hiring company with over 2,000 open dental jobs. Dental assistants were also the most highly sought-after professionals with nearly 7,000 openings for those dental job seekers added last month.

Dental job seekers on iHireDental increased by nearly 1,000, bringing our total member base to 409,489. There are nearly 150,000 dental assistants on iHireDental with almost 3,000 joining last month. As we get deeper into the summer months, stay tuned to see how seasonality may impact dental industry data.

Review our full dental industry analysis below.


ihiredental may 2019 dental industry infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: June 06, 2019

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